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The National and County Government Coordinating Summit in Kenya is a body established under the Intergovernmental Relations Act. It is the apex body for intergovernmental relations (relations between the national and the county governments).

The National and County Government Coordinating Summit comprises of:

The chairperson of the Council of Governors is the vice-chairperson of the Summit.

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Functions of the National and County Government Coordinating Summit

The functions of the National and County Government Coordinating Summit are, among other things, to provide a forum for–

  • consultation and co-operation between the national and county governments;
  • promotion of national values and principles of governance;
  • promotion of national cohesion and unity;
  • consideration and promotion of matters of national interest;
  • consideration of reports from other intergovernmental forums and other bodies on matters affecting national interest;
  • evaluating the performance of national or county governments and recommending appropriate action;
  • receiving progress reports and providing advice as appropriate;
  • monitoring the implementation of national and county development plans and recommending appropriate action;
  • considering issues relating to intergovernmental relations referred to the Summit by a member of the public and recommending measures to be undertaken by the respective county government;
  • co-ordinating and harmonizing the development of county and national governments policies;
  • facilitating and coordinating the transfer of functions, power or competencies from and to either level of government; and
  • performing any other function that may be conferred on it by the Intergovernmental Relations Act or any other legislation or that it may consider necessary or appropriate.

Meetings of the Summit

The Summit shall meet at least twice a year; and conduct its meetings in the manner provided under the Schedule of the Intergovernmental Relations Act.

Reports by the Summit

The Summit shall submit an annual report to the National Assembly, the Senate and the county assemblies, within three months after the end of every financial year.

The procedure and details of the report shall be provided by Regulations.

The National Assembly,the Senate or the county assemblies shall, upon receiving the annual report make such recommendations to the Summit as they may consider necessary.

The National Assembly, the Senate or the county assemblies may, at any time, request information from the Summit on any matter.

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