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The Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) reviews and sets the salary of a Member of Parliament in Kenya.

Article 230 (4) (a) of the Constitution of Kenya empowers the SRC to review and set the remuneration and benefits for Members at the National and County Levels of Government.

SRC undertakes periodic reviews of the salaries of State Officers, including Members of Parliament. The Third Remuneration and Benefits Review Cycle(External Link) that covers Financial Years 2021/2022 to 2024/2025 is the basis for the current salary and benefits for Members of Parliament.

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Salary of a Member of Parliament in Kenya

In Kenya, a Member of Parliament’s pay is determined by if the Member is the–

  • Leader of Majority Party;
  • Leader of Minority Party; or
  • Regular Member of Parliament (National Assembly/Senate).

The Salaries and Remuneration Commission commission has apparently 'frozen' the salary increases for state officers that were to take effect in the financial year 2024/2025. This means the salaries for financial year 2023/2024 will continue to be in effect.

The financial year 2023/2024 runs from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024 while the financial year 2024/2025 runs from 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2025.

The salary of the Leader of the Majority Party and Leader of the Minority Party in the financial year 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 is a gross monthly salary of KES 784,768. The amount consists of a basic salary of KES 470,861, additional allowances in the form of a house allowance of KES 150,000, an official commuter allowance, and a salary market adjustment of KES 163,907.

The salary of the Leader of the Majority Party and the Leader of the Minority Party in the financial year 2024/2025 is a gross monthly salary of KES 800,019. The amount consists of a basic salary of KES 480,011, additional allowances in the form of a house allowance of KES 150,000, an official commuter allowance, and a salary market adjustment of KES 163,907.

The salary of a Member of the National Assembly or Senate in the financial year 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 is a gross monthly salary of KES 725,502. The amount consists of a basic salary of KES 435,301, additional allowances in the form of a house allowance of KES 150,000, an official commuter allowance, and a salary market adjustment of KES 140,201.

The salary of a Member of the National Assembly or Senate in the financial year 2024/2025 is a gross monthly salary of KES 739,600. The amount consists of a basic salary of KES 443,760, additional allowances in the form of a house allowance of KES 150,000, an official commuter allowance, and a salary market adjustment of KES 145,840.

Salary Market Adjustment is a salary modification that considers the positioning of the salary market. That is, to pay at a level that matches the market average salary for a specific job.

Other benefits for a Member of Parliament

A Member of Parliament is also entitled to additional benefits as follows–

  • Committee Sitting Allowance: Members of Parliament who serve on committees receive this allowance–
    • Chairperson: KES 15,000 per sitting up to a monthly maximum of KES 240,000;
    • Vice-Chairperson: KES 12,000 per sitting up to a monthly maximum of KES 192,000;
    • Member: KES 7,500 per sitting up to a monthly maximum of KES 120,000.
  • Official Transport–
    • A Motor Vehicle Reimbursement of KES 7,550,000 to purchase a car to undertake official duties as a Member of Parliament. The Motor Vehicle Reimbursement shall be payable to a Member of Parliament once in a parliamentary term. The MP shall bear any additional cost to purchase the motor vehicle. The Parliamentary Service Commission shall operationalize the Motor Vehicle Reimbursement administratively.
    • Car Maintenance Allowance: Shall be paid to a Member of Parliament at KES 356,525 per month.
    • Mileage Claim: A Member of Parliament shall be reimbursed a claimable mileage of one return journey in a week from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to their constituency at the rate of KES 152.6 per kilometre.
    • The Claimable Mileage Allowance is zoned into two and claimable based on actual distance in kilometres (Km) from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to the respective constituency as follows–
      Zones Zoned Distance from the National Assembly (Nairobi) to Constituency Office (in Km) Maximum Return Journey per Week (in Km) Rate of Claimable Mileage Reimbursement in KES Reimbursable Monthly Mileage Claim of up to a maximum of KES
      1 0-350 700 152 462,887
      2 351 and above Based on actual distance 152 Based on actual distance
    • Notes–
      • The maximum monthly reimbursable mileage shall be calculated based on 52 weeks a year as follows: Maximum monthly reimbursable mileage = (maximum weekly return journey in km X 52 weeks X KES 152.6)/12 months.
    • The Parliamentary Service Commission should ensure that MPs receive reimbursement for the greatest real distance between their constituency and the National Assembly in Nairobi.
    • SRC shall set any review of the Rate of Claimable Mileage Allowance.
  • Special Parliamentary Duty Allowance: Members of the Senate and National Assembly whose duties require more parliamentary leadership above what is specified in their terms of service and for which they get a regular salary may receive up to KES 150,000 per month in this type of allowance.
    • Note: The Parliamentary Service Commission shall apportion the rate of Special Parliamentary Duty Allowance, up to a maximum of KES 150,000 per month, to each of the designated Members with leadership duties in Parliament, based on seniority as provided by the Constitution, Legislation or Standing
  • Medical Benefit: An annual medical cover shall be provided to the Member, one spouse and up to five children below twenty-five years fully dependent on the Member of Parliament, subject to a maximum cover limit, as follows–
    • Inpatient: KES 10 million;
    • Outpatient: KES 300,000;
    • Maternity: KES 150,000;
    • Dental: KES 100,000;
    • Optical: KES 100,000.
  • Retirement Benefit: Shall be as reviewed and set by SRC.
  • Group Life Insurance: A Member of Parliament shall be covered for a value equivalent to three times the annual pensionable emoluments.
  • Group Personal Accident: A Member of Parliament shall be covered for a value equivalent to three times the annual pensionable emoluments and other benefits as eligible under Group Personal Accident cover.
  • Car Loan and Mortgage Benefit: To be provided to Members in the Senate and National Assembly once during a parliamentary term, as follows–
    • Car Loan: Up to KES 8 million;
    • Mortgage: Up to KES 35 million.
    • Notes–
      • The applicable interest rate shall be 3 per cent per annum, for the duration of the loan.
      • The Car Loan and Mortgage shall be recoverable within the contract term of a Member of Parliament.
      • Car Loan and Mortgage shall be administered and managed centrally by the Parliamentary Service Commission within existing applicable regulations to govern the schemes and subject to the availability of funds.
  • Airtime: To be paid at KES 15,000 per month.
  • Security: Shall be provided as advised by the Inspector-General of Police and shall not be commuted to cash.
  • Sitting Allowance for Plenary Sessions: This is abolished and ceases to be payable.

Any remuneration and benefits not mentioned here are not payable unless set later by SRC

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