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The Basic Education Act of states the role and functions of the National Education Board in Kenya.

Specifically, Section 5 of the Basic Education Act contains the functions of the County Education Board in Kenya.

The Cabinet Secretary (CS) mentioned in this article refers to the one in charge of basic education and training matters.

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Membership of the National Education Board

The members of the County Education Board in Kenya are a chairperson and eight other members appointed by the Cabinet Secretary.

The appointments shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Education Act.

The chairperson shall serve for a term of four years and is eligible for reappointment for one further term of four years.

The members shall serve for a term of three years and are eligible for reappointment for one further term of three years.

Functions of the National Education Board in Kenya

Section 5 of the Basic Education Act contains the functions of the National Education Board in Kenya.

The functions of the National Education Board shall be to advise the Cabinet Secretary in charge of Basic Education and training matters, the department of education and related departments on policy matters in respect to–

  • collaboration with the Quality Assurance and Standards Council, Teachers Service Commission and with other stakeholders to promote standards in basic education and training;
  • working with all relevant authorities and agencies to ensure that all the barriers to the right to quality education are removed and that the National and County governments facilitate the realization of the right to education by all Kenyans;
  • the initiation of guidelines for approval by the Cabinet Secretary on the establishment of basic education institutions;
  • putting measures in place to ensure all children attend and remain in school to complete basic education requirements;
  • putting measures to ensure, where applicable, the transition to the next level of education, especially for the vulnerable and marginalized children;
  • any other matter as shall be from time to time be referred to the Board by the Cabinet Secretary.

The National Education Board shall generate publish an annual report on the state of education and service delivery in the country.

For more details about the National Education Board such as eligibility of members, see the Basic Education Act(External Link).

Also check out the County Education Board in Kenya.

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