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The Basic Education Act stipulates the composition and functions of the Board of Management in Kenyan schools.

There shall exist in place a Board of Management for every public–

  • primary school;
  • secondary school;
  • adult and continuing education centre;
  • multipurpose development training institute; or
  • middle-level institutions of basic education.
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Functions of the Board of Management in Kenyan Schools

The functions of the Board of Management in Kenyan Schools shall be to-

  • promote the best interests of the institution and ensure its development;
  • promote quality education for all pupils following the standards set under the Basic Education Act or any other written law;
  • ensure and assure the provision of proper and adequate physical facilities for the institution;
  • manage the institution’s affairs following the rules and regulations governing occupational safety and health;
  • advise the County Education Board on the staffing needs of the institution;
  • determine cases of pupils’ discipline and make reports to the County Education Board;
  • prepare a comprehensive termly report on all areas of its mandate and submit the report to the County Education Board;
  • facilitate and ensure the provision of guidance and counselling to all learners;
  • provide for the welfare and observe human rights and ensure the safety of the pupils, teachers and non-teaching staff at the institution;
  • encourage a culture of dialogue and participatory democratic governance at the institution;
  • promote the spirit of cohesion, integration, peace, tolerance, inclusion, elimination of hate speech, and elimination of tribalism at the institution;
  • encourage the learners, teachers and non-teaching staff and other, parents and the community, and other stakeholders to render voluntary services to the institution;
  • allow reasonable use of the facilities of the institution for community, social and other lawful purposes, subject to such reasonable and equitable conditions as it may determine including the charging of a fee;
  • administer and manage the resources of the institution;
  • receive, collect and account for any funds accruing to the institution;
  • recruit, employ and remunerate such number of non-teaching staff as may be required by the institution under the Basic Education Act; and
  • perform any other function to facilitate the implementation of its functions under the Basic Education Act or any other written law.

Composition of Board of Management in Kenyan Schools

The Board of Management in Kenyan Schools shall consist of the following members appointed by the County Education Board

  • six persons elected to represent parents of the pupils in the school or local community in the case of county secondary schools;
  • one person nominated by the County Education Board;
  • one representative of the teaching staff in the school elected by the teachers;
  • three representatives of the sponsors of the school;
  • one person to represent special interest groups in the community;
  • one person to represent persons with special needs; and
  • a representative of the students’ council who shall be an ex officio member.

The Board of Management may from time to time co-opt into its membership such persons as it is satisfied possess skills and experience to assist in the discharge of the Board’s functions.

The number of members of the Board of Management co-opted above shall not exceed three at any particular time and such members do not have a right to vote at the meetings of the Board.

The members of the Board of Management shall elect their chairperson from amongst themselves. However, the elected member shall not be the person who was appointed as the representative of the teaching staff in the school.

The County Education Board shall appoint the Chairperson of the Board of Management for public schools sponsored by religious organisations after consulting with the sponsor.

The members of a Board of Management for a public school shall elect the Chairperson of the Board at the first meeting.

A faith-based sponsor who does not make a significant contribution and influence to a school or institution, as defined in Section 2 of the Basic Education Act, shall not be consulted when appointing the chairperson of that school or institution’s Board of Management.

For more information about the Board of Management in Kenyan Schools, see the Basic Education Act(External Link).

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